I was before with Quickline M package, but it ended and needed to be updated.
So after all the choices, for TV there was available Quickline TV Start, this was what I’ve chosen for TV.
It said that I could use a TV app.
Since I have androidTV, this is more then enough for me. I was not sure if I needed to return the box, but they are asking me to do it.
So, I’ve TV Start active since 1st october.
I’ve already searched, and it doesn’t appear, either on mobile or in the android TV. It only appears one app called “quickline mobi(old)”
“At the moment, the “Quickline TV” (not “Quickline TV UHD”) for smartphones can’t even be found in the Google Play Store with the search.”
it reports this error:
“We’re sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.”
So if it can’t be found, how do I use my service?